Sexwork, Disability & Trauma

Sex Workers who also Identified as being disabled were invited to take part in a group discussion, this interview was produced from the transcript. It is rare for sex workers to be included in disability discourse unless it is as service providers to disabled clients. This discussion instead focuses on the disabled person as sex worker, choices, stigma, community and survival.

Mayday Rooms Travelling Archive

Resilient and Resisting welcomes the Mayday Rooms, who bought a travelling archive to the Arcola: for an evening of DIY History training, archive exploration, with a participatory recorded discussion. Featuring material from Queeruption, Dissenting Ephemera: Women’s Movement and Wages for Housework.

Hackney Museum – LGBT History Month

As part of this event Resilient and Resisting put out a call for people to contribute objects to be installed among the existing display at Hackney Museum. This was a micro-exhibition for the duration of ‘Fighting for space’.

Take part in the process

Over the next 10 months, ‘Resilient and Resisting’ will be holding a number of events, workshops, group discussions, and investigative visits to archives. If you have a story to tell, then an attempt will be made to help you to tell it, either through this project or by connecting you with other relevant resources.


Individual Stories

A burning match and a pattern

Activist burnout

How burnout affects activism, activists, and how it affects activist continuity in our communities.


Read the story

I won’t stop

An account about mental health, queer identity, developing self care and quiet activism.

Read the story

The invisibility of my ethnicity

When the person who taught you about the world and it’s inequalities turns out to be a tiny bit racist.


Read the story

Strippers Union - an interview with sex workers from Radio Ava, the sex workers radio station

Strippers union

A transcript of a live interview from Radio Ava, the sex workers radio station, documenting first hand experiences.


Read the transcript

Request a D.I.Y History Workshop

Looking for a space for sharing skills and ideas on recording and writing our own histories?

We host workshops covering key points on how you could document your story, or that of a community you are part of.  We also discuss why is it so vital to collect narratives that run counter to the mainstream and how to do this effectively. We can host interviews and collect material at group archive visits, group discussions, and other submissions.

For more information, please get in touch using the form below:

Contact us

2 + 13 =

Reading at Hackney Museum LGBT History month from the Fighting For Space zine