Come Together: an extravaganza of resistance
For us who are disabled, queer, kinky, sex workers, survivors, much political action (of all kinds) comes from the power of survival. To celebrate this, Resilient and Resisting hosted the Finale event, a day long take over at Arcola theatre, 24 Ashwin street Dalston, on the 14th April 2019.
An extravaganza of resistance.
Featuring contributions from radical history archives, the voices of direct action groups, and of course our own stories of fighting stigma and creating social change, these are fierce, intimate oral histories, collaborative stories, D.I.Y research and interviews from people at the intersection of several kinds of marginalisation.
- 12pm – The Travelling Archive
Travelling archive: Bishopsgate Institute and the MayDay Rooms bring the archive to you. Peruse and discuss artefacts and articles of radical history, Workshop on DIY documentation.
- 2pm – Direct Action Groups panel discussion
Panel discussion: Direct action, fighting stigma and making social change, featuring speakers from: The Renters Union, Xtalk, English Collective of Prostitutes, Trans Liberation Assembly….and more tbc
- 4pm – Food, because we have to keep our strength up!
- 6pm – Grand Performance & Readings
Stories of Resilience and resistance! With swoosh, glitter and song. Performance will be captioned.Sexy intimate stories of becoming, persistence and survival. Critiquing work, asking questions about HOW and why. Elder histories, lion taming, transnational travels, migration stories. All Cats Are Beautiful. How we get by! Who gets to be respectable? Pride and prejudice. Tickets to the straight world, transactions along the way, stretching the rubber band of gender, Being who we ARE. Coming together.This was a free exhibition, and a free Zine was handed out, for attendees to read along. There was also an exhibition of the posters created from the stories on show in the Arcola Foyer.
Panel Discussion
Direct action groups on Stigma and social change featuring:
- Renters Union
- English Collective of Prostitutes
- Trans Libreation Assembly
- Feminist AntiFascist Assembly
- Mental Health Resistance Network
- XTalk (migrant sexworkers group)
Panelists discuss: why their group formed, what situation they are facing, what direct actions they have taken, what effect this had externally, what effect this had for them personally.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Grand Performance & Readings
Intimate Pleasure
In The Circus
Decrim Protest Song

There is no WHY
Perfectly Contained
Third Sector
The Tigers of Wrath Song
Poster Gallery
These posters were designed as part of the event, to introduce the stories to a wider audience.
Free Zine
The zine was available on the day, and you can download your own copy below.