Switching Focus

Switching Focus

Switching Focus Activism, BDSM, Butch, Femme, Gender, Military, Sexuality, Sexwork Switching Focus I grew up with my mother telling me I wasn’t good enough at being a woman, that I wasn’t a proper woman. Coming out I didn’t feel confident around Femmes so a lot of my...


Boudica Activism, BDSM, Disability, Gender, Sexuality, Trans* Boudica ‘Gender Queer Femme, what is that? I get confused, I don’t know what to say, because people now say non-binary. Back when I started thinking about this stuff, that term didn’t exist, so I used to...
Tired Of You

Tired Of You

Tired of You BDSM, Gender, Queer Culture, Sexuality Tired of You   I was going to the Black Cap in Camden from the age of 14. I wasn’t out then but I was always on the Gay scene seeing all the drag queens of the time Regina Fong and Lilly Savage, their shows were...


Tribe BDSM, New Age Travellers, Rave Culture, Sexuality Tribe   I grew up in a small town outside of London, the town itself is quite well off, posh, very conservative. On the edge of that town are a couple of estates, set apart from the town, that’s where I come...
To Be Held

To Be Held

To Be Held BDSM, Chronic Illness, Disability, Sexuality To Be Held   I’m always the first one naked at a play party. People say that classic thing of ‘Oh I didn’t recognise you with your clothes on’. BDSM has been a way of having confidence in my body post...