by Jet Moon | Mar 12, 2019
Lioness Gender, Homelessness, Joy, Race, Sexual Violence, Sexwork Lioness My earliest memories? My earliest memory is of my beautiful mother who I adore and the colour violet all around, violet everywhere, surrounding me. Another is age three, putting on a...
by Jet Moon | Mar 29, 2019
Switching Focus Activism, BDSM, Butch, Femme, Gender, Military, Sexuality, Sexwork Switching Focus I grew up with my mother telling me I wasn’t good enough at being a woman, that I wasn’t a proper woman. Coming out I didn’t feel confident around Femmes so a lot of my...
by Jet Moon | Aug 6, 2018
In the Circus Activism, Disability, Sex Work, Squatting In The Circus ‘There’s a documented history of EDS*. You can see it, trace it through photographs of the old sideshow traditions of the circus, all of those people who lived in freak-shows or...
by Jet Moon | Aug 6, 2018
Third Sector Activism, Austerity, Education, HIV, Homelessness, New Age Travellers, Sexuality, Squatting, Working Lives Third Sector When I was coming out in the 80’s, it was at the same time as a lot of public health campaigns about AIDS. That did a lot to...
by Jet Moon | Aug 6, 2018
Liverish Activism, Austerity, Drugs, Sex Work, Sexuality Liverish ‘I’ve taken a lot of drugs in my time, truck loads, shed loads. Drugs I didn’t even know the names of, great drugs, shit drugs. That was a long time ago, I’ve been in recovery for decades now. I guess...