by Jet Moon | Aug 6, 2018
In the Circus Activism, Disability, Sex Work, Squatting In The Circus ‘There’s a documented history of EDS*. You can see it, trace it through photographs of the old sideshow traditions of the circus, all of those people who lived in freak-shows or...
by Jet Moon | Aug 6, 2018
Boudica Activism, BDSM, Disability, Gender, Sexuality, Trans* Boudica ‘Gender Queer Femme, what is that? I get confused, I don’t know what to say, because people now say non-binary. Back when I started thinking about this stuff, that term didn’t exist, so I used to...
by Jet Moon | Mar 29, 2019
To Be Held BDSM, Chronic Illness, Disability, Sexuality To Be Held I’m always the first one naked at a play party. People say that classic thing of ‘Oh I didn’t recognise you with your clothes on’. BDSM has been a way of having confidence in my body post...